Friday, August 10, 2012

Hilang entah di mana??

Mana hilangnya jiwa mu,
Mana hilangnya senyum mu,
Mana hilangnya tenang mu,
Mana hilangnya bicara mu,

Mana hilangnya rasa mu,
Mana hilangnya hati mu,
Mana hilangnya mahu mu,
Mana hilangnya rayu mu,

Mana hilangnya kasih mu,
Mana hilangnya hangat mu,
Mana hilangnya cinta mu,
Mana hilangnya sayang mu,

Mana hilangnya diri mu??????

Sepi sekeping hati...

Aku senyap kau pun senyap, aku diam kau juga diam, aku menyendiri kau tak peduli, aku lari kau berhenti, aku pergi kau sepi..hiba ku kau hindari, sedih ku kau abaikan, rasa ku kau sisihkan, tangis ku kau cemari. Tahu tapi tak faham... Sedar tapi tak mengerti. Dan mungkin pergi tanpa sedari....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


“I never did anything according to what anyone else wanted. That's why I think I am happy. I do everything 100%--even my stupidest missteps. I know when I'm getting ready to mess up, I'm going to do it full-on. That's the way I was as a kid. Even into adulthood, I look back at some things and go, 'I can't believe I did that.' But I can also go back and say, 'I did that, I know I'm responsible for that, and I can make amends,' and we can all laugh at it, because it's my mistake. I try not to blame it on anyone else unless I fully know it was their fault--and then I have no problem pointing the finger.”

 “Don't you dare take the lazy way. It's too easy to excuse yourself because of your ancestry. Don't let me catch you doing it! Now -- look close at me so you will remember. Whatever you do, it will be you who do.”

 It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Where are You?? The One that I used to Know...??

One Step it closer enough to make you treat me as u do before? is it closed enough for you to treat me as u used to? is it closed enough for you to love me as u loved me before? Or is it closed enough for you to pretend that everything is Okay????!!! or Is it too closed for you to showed that you still the same as what I used to know? Month changes, days come and go and times keep running...does it means that ur loved also have to changed...its getting faded..from day to day...time to felt so far. Ure closed to me but your heart seems to be somewhere outside there that i couldnt reach...its hiding somewhere...somewhere that i cant even get through...Somewhere that I cant even think of....Where is it?? I kept wondering......please, i have no idea what is going on...and what is going to be happen between us...I kept thinking...kept wondering...Kept trying to figure it out...............................................................

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Its 2012 laaaa...

Hihi, ellopppzzz.. Nothing much to say bout rite now. Just to wish u guys a Happy New Year!! Ngehhh's a bit late to wish it now...but biar lambat asal selamat kan???, it still 2012 kan? Still ok to wish it now...blum lg masuk 2013.. Got no big list of wish for this azam la geng. Even a single list pun dun hv..ehhh, maybe ada lh. Wish to b a much better person.. Haha, so subjective kan my wish?? Subjective??haha, just bedal any word dat cross my mind. Cross or across...across maybe kan? So teruk my English nowadays..forgot these..forgot that..where to put past tense n what sentences should i use pun i forgot..thinking of sitting a MUEt test again lha maybe..haha... See lh later..hahahaha...pray anything gud for me kayhhh..mmuaxxxx!! So long long time not update this blog. Sampai password pun forgot oredi..hehehehh,punya teruk kan? K, see ya next time!! Daaaa~~