Thursday, April 30, 2009

pLeaSe unDeRstaNd!!!

Dear Guys,

Please note what your partner says, to avoid stepping on to any “landmines”.

(1) Fine :

This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. Anything said after that is the start of a new argument.

(2) Five Minutes :

If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

(3) Nothing :

This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

(4) Go Ahead :

This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

(5) Loud Sigh :

This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing)

(6) That's Okay :

This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks :

A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' . that will bring on a 'whatever').

(8) Whatever :

Is a woman's way of saying F--- YOU!

(9) Don't worry about it, I got it :

Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.

* Tell the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology.

* Let all the women you know, they surely smiles and laugh, cause they know it's true!!!

Women's Secret


  1. When a woman said that she is sad but didn’t shed a tear, she’s actually crying inside.
  2. When a woman didn’t care less about you after a raging quarrel between the two of you, the next step you should take is to give her some time to cool it off before apologizing and start a normal conversation. However, don’t leave her for too long cause it can even get worse since it’s like you don’t even care. Just a few hours would do. There’s nothing to lose (especially your ego and pride) if you really love her.
  3. It is rather difficult for a woman to hate the flaws of the person whom she loves most, even when she knows there’s quite a number.
  4. When she falls in love with a man, that man will always be on her mind, even when she’s going out with another male friend.
  5. When the she loves look at her in the eyes deeply and intense, she’ll surely melt like a chocolate on a hot boiler!
  6. Women loves compliments, but sometimes they just don’t know how to react to them.
  7. If a woman who you’ve declined of her feelings is avoiding you, let her be and if you still want to be friends, you can try talking to her slowly and start light.
  8. Most women like to bare their feelings whether it’s through music, writings, paintings and poetry. It’s the easiest way for them to expose of what they feel.
  9. Never tell a woman she’s useless.
  10. Being too serious can kill off a woman’s mood.
  11. When a woman receive a positive respond from a person that she likes - like a simple phone call, she’ll probably act it cool and shows not much of an interest but as puts down the phone, she’ll be screaming out of joy of thought that she’s the happiest woman alive! (Putting our ego aside, this is rather true right?)
  12. A smile can meant a thousand things for a woman, so if you’re not some kind of celebrities, don’t just smile happily and shiningly out of nowhere and no reason.
  13. If you like a woman, maybe you should start by being her friend in the first place.
  14. If a woman gives you a million reasons for not being able to go out with you, it’s obvious that she’s not into you at all.
  15. Never assume too much. Ask her for yourself what’s playing in her mind! (Assuming -this is the most typical habit of men)
  16. Sometimes, when a woman falls in love, she’ll be puzzling herself with the question as to why she didn’t meet you earlier.
  17. Yes, she ‘s probably still remembers her ex face but if you are her lover, you’ll be at her heart and mind always.
  18. A simple ‘hi’ from you would probably cheer up her day!
  19. This is quite true, but only her one and only good friend would probably know of how she feels and what she has been through.
  20. Women hate it when a men trying to get close to them because they trying to get a date with the prettiest one among her list of friends.
  21. For most women, love simply means loyalty, caring of each other, honesty and happiness without any compromises.
  22. A woman’s crucial weapon is her tears!
  23. Every women dreams of a guy who could love her with all of his heart.
  24. Women love occasional surprises! (That should be appropriate with time, place and condition too, so be wise guys!)
  25. Most women fall in love easily with a man who cares about them more than they do care about themselves.
  26. By right, it is easy to win a woman’s heart because all they ever want is probably to be love dearly and unconditionally.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Love iz sumthin dat only u can understand wat it iz... Different people, different perceptions.. different stories and different experience. Love iz CompliCated!! Sumtym it will Make u bcoMe a Very supportive and opeN-miNded person. Sumtym it make u bcome d happiest person in the uniVersE.. and u felt lyke u can flyin hiGh in the sKy..
But somEtimes when thing goes wrong, ur woRld will Be upSide doWn... u become sum! dat totally diFFerenT froM ur oRigiNality... u lost all ur SenSe; u becoe a -ve person!! totaLLy negative and jeRk... it felt lyke ur life was endEd and TheRe iz no oTher waY foR u.. feLt like noThing u caN do to maKe it RigHT..
Love caN chAnge eVeryThin'.. soMetimes a person dat u riLy caRe bcome a persOn dat u hatE d most!! Sum1 dat u riLy like bcome a moNSter dat will eat you juz lyke dat.. and sumtym u wiSh dat person can juSt diSsapPeaR juz by One cLicK. u wiSh daT u couLd dO sumthing to maKe hiM/heR realized boUt how Mad u aRe... u wiSh daT hiM/heR "Pergi MampUs" but acTually u didN't meant it and u stiLL hoPe dat it wiLL nevEr HappEn coz deEp iN ur heArt, u stiLL loved dat persOn... Yeahhh... LoVe is SomeThing dat oNly persOns in Love can unDerstAnd... onLy u and her... oNly u and hiM..

Love is cRazy.. LoVe is bLinD.. LovE is StuPid.. Love is SucK!!

Its up to you to ThiNk and make ur judGement bout waT loVe reaLLy are.. dun eVer aFraid to Fall in Love.. beIng in Love wuz d mosT wondeRful feeLing in diz worLd..wat a waSte if u try to run froM it... shoW ur FeeLing.. shoW ur LoVe.. Love Him.. Love Her.. Love You.. Love me NOt... peaCe!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Me is Meeeee....


Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

My true Gem for Health: Diamond

You are Diamond-Venus, a femine, watery, gentle planet. Venus means shukra in sanskrit which translates to semen-like the diamond it is brilliant, loving and sensual. It rules over human nature, reproductive system, eyes, and kidneys. It attracts music, art, dance, poetry, and luxury. It also gives mucus constitution and silver is also it's metal. A diamond gives a cool feeling when placed on the body and is not effected by body temperature. It's friends are: mercury and saturn-gemini, capricorn and aquarius. It's enemies are: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Pisces and Jupiter. When in balance it is healing, considerate, truthful, fertile, wealthy and healthy. When imbalanced it can lead to: infertility, gout, eye disease, anemia, marriage problems, disorders of hormones and pelvis and obesity. To counter this effect one may wear a warming gem and colors or a stone which is more beneficially placed in their chart-stay away from the color white....of course, a postive healthy change in diet and lifestyle is primary.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

TruTh and LiEsss!!!

People lies....everyone doesssss....!! hmm,but its really hard to accept the truth kan? person yg kita patut trust ttba changed jd somebody yg kita susah and takut utk percaya. hmm..wat a special birthday present from u to me..precious gift dat u gave me...hard to accept but got no other way.semua jadi haru biru..musnah, remuk, hancur, berkecai.... semua jd serba xkena.jd Kwame saysss... "hati pusing kepala goyang".. arghhh,its true ryte?
Once kita menipu...its will jd makin besar and btambah. skali kita menipu, kita akan trus mnipu..dr yg kecil..jd besar..yg sikit jadi banyak.. semuanya semata2 utk cover penipuan yg kecil..and maybe once kita rs penipuan tu success, kita akan jd rs hebat and maybe it wat we call "syndrome gian"??gian menipu...makin lama jd makin seronok and sumtyme kita jd xsedar effect yg bakal jadi pd diri sendiri n org yg ditipu if one day kita kantoi... Or, maybe kita mmg sedar..but takut to telling the truth..takut mengaku kesalahan..takut dengan consequences yg bakal kita trima if tellin' truth...berani kerana benar..takut kerana salah kan??
Sometimes, kita xsedar yg consequences yg kita trima atas penipuan adalah lebih berat dr apa yg kita trima dgn bcakap jujur. sesungguhnya lebih sakit utk trima hakikat penipuan dari trima hakikat kebenaran..and if alasan menipu utk selamatkan keadaan..why in the first place kita perlu buat kesalahan if kita tau its will only make people feelin hurt and pathetic?? once kita menipu, makin lama akan makin dalam lah penipuan...jangan sampai masuk perangkap sendiri..sudahhh!!! (jangan la nak gali kubur sendiri...) bukan senang nak recover if hati dah,better terus-terang and paling senang if tau it will make people dat we love feelin hurt'...jgn la buat sumthin yg dia dun like. kalau mmg perlu buat jgak atas alasan tersepit..kan bagus if bterus terang. try la explain betul2 even org tu selfish gila mampus and susah nk trima..but sedar la..dia pun manusia jugak..lambat laun faham long as its not a lie!!
Kadang2 tu try letakkan diri sendiri kt tempat org yg kita tipu..maybe kita akan faham and sedar sakit nya...pandai2 la fikir mana yg lebih jd priority..xkan la nak menipu seumur hidup?? susah la if dh rancang camtu... how nak idup sama.. nk bina relationship.. nak maintain bahagia...xbleh kan??and one more thing..if mmg kita ada menipu jgn la minta org trust kita coz once kepercayaan tu dah hancusssss, its hard to get it back!! so, if trasa ada mnipu tu, confess la cepat2. xbaek simpan lama2.. makin sakit and makin complicated jadi nya.
Hmm, kan senang kalau xmenipu dari awal..xperlu nk susah2 cr idea utk cover the first lie. Jgn la jd lintah...jadi ulat...yg idup dengan penipuan(emm..ulat n lintah menipu ke?)..its not a comic or manga guys!!ingat, skali kita buat ja'at...ia akan dtg balik kt kita..or maybe to our family,just dunno how and when....bukan minta!! but wat goes around..comes around!!

Chowww...renung2kan lah!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

HAri ini HAri Ahad!!

Today sangat lah penat..supposed hari tok pergi church. Easther Day baa!! memang rugilah mun sik jejak kaki ke church weekend tok.huhu...but wat to do..ada hal yg xdapat mok dielakkan jadi terpaksalah stay umah jak.huhu..sampai pukul 2.30 aku tpaksa duduk tcongok2 sorang2 di umah..cuci baju, then x sampei 5 minit after kusidai..hujan pun turun. Cisss bri penat aku jak tpaksa angkat balit..mun ujan lama xpa juak..tok sik sampei pun 15 minit. Huhu..then lebih kurang kul 5.30p.m. mek 2 pun pegi lah isi perut.huhhh..lapar dowh,but order simple dishes jak..kangkung goreng blacan and ayam masak halia. but bila order sampai jak.. MAKDATUKKK... pinggan punyalah penuh (sayangnya lupa mok amik pict..). rasanya sayur kangkung nya mcm mkn 5 org.then,mok habiskan punya pasal,aku just makan sayur jak..nasi pun 5 suap jak.fuhhh..lebih dari lepas gian..after tok stop lok mkn kangkung..haha!!

Then,after mkn pegilah ke Giant.mok bli prg2 dapur lah konon..list brg yang perlu dibeli..bawang,kicap,sos cili, ajinomoto, gelas, jug, telur, belacan, cuka, hose, ikan bilis, pencedok sampah, bakul sampah, penyangkut kuali etc..last2 yang dibeli makin btambah sampaikan yang sik patut2 pun aku mok bli.ohya,aku beli Rubik's Cube..hihi.lama sik main.then,after bli brg and simpan lam keta,sik juak pandei mok balit..pegi gik masuk Giant and direct masuk lam kedai Sengheng.hihi,ingat mok survei peti ais jak,laz2 benda lain pun dbeli juak..memang hebatlah PR salesman sia..mcm kena pukau dah...last2 blilah peti ais,tv flat screen and DVD player.haha...cuak juak aku,but no comment jak lah..hmm..just yang aku fikirkan and soalan yang aku usulkan.."dini ka ngkah tv nya?biar atas lantai aja pia?" means.."cnei mok letak tv ya.. letak atas lantai jak ka?"..haha, nang macam2 juaklah..last2 sampai rumah...hampir sik cukup tangan jadi nya.penat juaklah tangan angkat brg..nasib bait pakei keta,mun ada lori..sik tauklah ginei gik mok angkat brg2.hmm..

Ohya, hampir lupa mok crita..after mandi td, aku call Noella, wish nya Happy Birthday!! Birthday nya 13th April ba..byk kawan aku birthday bulan tok. 10hb hr ya birthday Anis and kembarnya Anas..birthday Alin juak..just mampu sms jak.kredit kureng..ya pun tyme sms Anas,org lain reply pdh aku wrong number..huhu,malu. 15th tok birthday Lily..hope aku sik lupa wish!! Then,18hb birthday Lah..Birthday Muzakkir sehari dari Birthday aku yakni 19th April. Tadi Noella tanya bahh. Then after birthday aku,Birthday Ah CHen..hihi, dgr cita Ah Chen dah ada anak sorang!wahwahwah..kawan2 aku..
Yahoo..genap seminggu gik birthday aku!!
huhu,harap benar dapat celebrate birthday berdua with him..tapi alamatnya sik dapat kot.terpaksa pg Kundasang weekend tok.huhu,frust!!but what to do..terpaksa bertindak ikut arahan,walaupun hati terang2 rasa sik mok.hmmm.....dah nasib badannnn!! Kay lah.. mok melelapkan mata lok.Ngantukkkk!!..Nanyte..sweet dreamz..!! Nyte ShaNong....!!GEt weLL sooN!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

huHhhh...boSan giLa baBenG!!

Now i'm at Sabah already...doin' nothing just facing diz laptop..decide 2 watch a movie b4,but due 2 some mizcommunication between us, i ended up by shutting down diz laptop n tried 2 sleep,but i can't...n now i'm stuck again in front of these...dont know wat 2 do..finish checkin my facebook and dad ask me to book a flight for him and....?..... They will come to attend my convocation. huhu...mean dat i hv to book a hotel a car n also plan n decide where to eat...aiyooo!!! SOmebody..HeLp mE!!

aiyooo...i'm bored!! wat should i do??!!i need sum1 to accompany me now...please!! haha...daa~~

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Huhu...esok flight aku g Sabah.but,brg2 semua blum pack in lg...aduhh..nasib baek flight ptg.kira sempat lg nk pack mlm ni.hmmm...maybe balik may nanti kot.before convocation..aiyooo!!hope esok everything wuz okay.since mlm tu after landing kt airport KK..maybe g church.10th April ni kan Good Friday..hmm,laz year time gd friday we all bz dgn project Futsal Fund..x sedar staun dh berlalu...hmm.k lah..chow!! KK..wait for me!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Susahkan nk jaga and puaskan hati semua pihak? Alaa…mesti semua pun penah rasa tersepit like this..mmg susah nk decide. What can we do…?? berserah je lah..hope agar ada yg mampu memahami..if xde jugak..diam2 sudah. Kecoh2 pun xguna..angkat kaki, cabut!! Kawan aku pun ada cakap,

“its really really hard to take care of every1 feelin'!!!!sumtime need to b more selfish and care about my feelin more~~~”, maybe betul kot apa yg dia ckp tu. And now, I think I oledi know wat should I do..thanx yah!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thank You, Friend

Thank you, friend, for all the things
That mean so much to me--
For concern and understanding
You give abundantly.

Thanks for listening with your heart;
For cheering me when I'm blue;
For bringing out the best in me;
And just for being you.

Thanks for in-depth conversation
That stimulates my brain;
For silly times we laugh out loud;
For things I can't explain.

For looking past my flaws and faults;

For all the time you spend;

For all the kind things that you do,

Thank you; thank you, friend.

Really thanx for being my frenz.....